Vietnam Visa Cost

Vietnam Visa Fee for Indian Citizens

What is the total fee for apply Vietnam e-Visa online?

Service fee: It is the fee you have to pay for for settling your application, sending an approval letter from Vietnam Immigration to you.

Visa government fee: It is the fee you have to pay for Vietnam government to get a visa stamp. This fee is fixed by the Vietnam Ministry of Finance.

Type of visa Service fee Government fee
1 month single entry 30 USD 25 USD
1 month multiple entry 45 USD 50 USD
3 months single entry 45 USD 25 USD
3 months multiple entry 60 USD 50 USD

What is the visa service fee?

Visa service fee is the fee you have to pay for so that we can settle your application, ask the Vietnam Immigration for an approval letter, and send it back to you including all the below steps:

  • Collect carefully and check out your information through our website.
  • Check out carefully your information by contacting you by phone or emails.
  • Settle your visa information into a visa application.
  • Send your application to Vietnam Immigration.
  • Finish the other processes along with the rules of Vietnam Immigration to take an approval letter.
  • Send that approval letter of Vietnam Immigration for you through email after 4-6 days.

Please notice that this fee must be paid before settling your information application in 4-6 days working (for normal service) or a day working (for emergency service), or 4 hours working (for super emergency service).

Ready to Apply?

Start your Vietnam visa application today through our secure simple online form which takes you less than 5 minutes!